A Presentation Is...
A Presentation Is...
A presentation is a means of communicati on which can be adapt ed to various speaking situations, such as talk ing to a group, addres sing a meeting or brie fing a team.
A Presentation Is...
Presentation is the practice of showing and explaining the content of a topic to an audience or learner.
Preparing for a presentation
Preparation is the single most important part of making a successful presentation. This is the crucial founda tion and you should dedicate as much t ime to it as possible avoiding short-cut
Not only will good preparation ensure that you have thought carefu lly about the messages that you wan t (or need) to communicate in you pr esentation but it will also help boost your. We also need.
The Objective
The Subject
The Audience
The Place
The Time
Length of Talk
Delivering the presentation
How to delivery
Know your audience and understand its perspective
Research thoroughly.
Document your sources
Introduce the presentation
Present the material
Giving presentations to audiences, large or small, can be a daunting and anxiety-ridden ta sk. You’re going to be in front of a group of peo ple, some you may know, some may be total st rangers. You’re on stage, all eyes are on you, t he audience has high expectations or they wou ldn’t be there.
Every word, every nuance, your appearance, the tone of your voice, not to mention the cont ent of your presentation, will be scrutinized in every way. You know what you want to say – y ou know the material – but there’s that naggin g feeling that you’ll say the wrong thing or you
’ll have a spot on your suit or there will be som e errant distraction.
A Presentation Is...