· What was the main point of the written piece? The main point about this written piece is about evolving the way presentation is shown. Coming up with new innovated ideas to keep the listeners interested. Letting go of the boring traditional practices that put people to sleep.
· What did each section deal with? Each section dealt with obstacles one may face when preparing for a presentation. Each obstacle is broken down into important section that can help over come issues they face in the presentation room. These sections provide with tips to attract the audience attention and keep them thinking and engaged in the presenter and the presentation.
· What questions did you ask yourself as you were reading? What information in this article can I use in my future career. How can I dig deeper? How can I speak the language? How can I minimize me, if I am he presenter? How can I use this in my future?
· How can you change your note taking skills for the future? By using the SQ3R method in my reading will provide me with better comprehension of the article. I will be able to recognize important key points the writer is trying to provide. Such as the article “8 secrets to a knockout business presentation”, it provides information about connecting to your audience. I can pick out what I think is the most important to me and make notes about it. Notes would involve important key words, phrases, and examples for me to better understand the article.
· What would you do to retain this information for later use? The SQ3R has helped me understand articles in the past. I will practice this method with every article I read to ensure my I am taking full advantage of it. I will