Our presentation offers a dynamic experience for the participants via real-time knowledge-based feedback from the audience. The presentation will delivered by a presenter utilising a PowerPoint presentation. In conjunction the audience would have the option of using their own online device (smartphone or tablet) or tablets would be distributed for use as immediate feedback on the knowledge and understanding of the audience throughout the presentation.
An application such as “PollEv” (http://www.polleverywhere.com/app) would be used for immediate feedback. It allows users to answer questions and vote throughout the session with immediate results sent to the presenter in an appropriate graph which can optionally be added directly into the slides to show the audience trends. Examples of questions are attached in appendix 2. The questions would be asked at the beginning of each new section in the presentation to gauge audience base understanding and knowledge. These results will assist in shaping our presentation, allowing the presentation to dynamically address shortcomings in the audience’s knowledge. For example, if the audience are well educated in a particular area a summary approach will be used as to not waste time on understood information. Similarly if the audience seems to have limited or no information on an area, more time will be devoted to a particular area to ensure more knowledge is imparted in the deficient areas.
Relevant animation and cultural questions have been utilised within our presentation to promote audience thinking and engagement with the presentation and presenter. Thought provoking cultural-based questions and answers are used at the end of the presentation to reinforce the ideas presented and have the audience actively thinking about the information.
The idea of our presentation is to include the user and keep the audience engaged and involved throughout the entire presentation. Too many
References: Cartoon 1 (Google Image - link) http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/e5/04/0e/e5040ea6e793fc468b2b089336fc23ef.jpg Cartoon 2 (Google Image - link) http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/01/07/article-1108763-02FA1BC4000005DC-843_468x323.jpg