As President Kennedy was waving to the crowds, he was shot in the back. You can see President Kennedy slump down in the seat, and then the second shot. The second shot was a fatal blow to the back of the head. I saw a recording of the events, and saw Jacqueline Kennedy attempt to get off the open-air limousine, and the shock that struck the people of Dallas, Texas. Abraham Zapruder caught the whole tragic event on his home-movie camera. The crowds that were once cheering now stare in horror. Many thought that the shots were a firecracker, and so did secret service agent Clinton Hill. He only realizes that it wasn’t a firecracker when he sees that President Kennedy recoils from the first shot, and second shot. He runs quickly to aid the President, only to be too late. A patrolman confronts Lee Harvey Oswald. Patrolman Marrion Baker confronts Oswald in the depository cafeteria, but the building superintendent defends him and vouches for him. Oswald made a sort of escape by walking seven blocks and boarding a cab en route to the bus depot, so that he can make a speedy escape, …show more content…
A police officer called JD Tippit pulls up to Oswald in his car, due to a suspect being searched that was Lee Harvey Oswald. The police officer didn’t know this, but went to question Lee Harvey Oswald anyway. After an attempt to communicate to Oswald from the car window, the police officer decided to exit his car to question further. When he did exit the car, he was shot three times in the chest. Then after those three shots, he was shot in the temple. Lee Harvey Oswald quickly left the scene, but twelve people, now witnesses, saw him flee. Oswald did not escape and stay out of justice’s way for a long time, though. Sadly, President Kennedy was proclaimed dead at the Parkland Hospital. Even though he died, Oswald was charged and sent to prison for what he did to the President of the United States at the