The SEC and the former Chairman Arthur Levitt Jr. were extremely concerned that the public accounting firms were violating the auditors independence rules addressed through the Securities Exchange Acts. Auditing firms now had dual citizenship in public companies: (1) they issued opinions on audited financial statements and (2) they participated in various consulting engagements for those same companies. Levitt 's solution was to split auditing and consulting. The former Chairman was concerned that the public would lose confidence in the financial markets and the whole system would be jeopardized.
Public Accounting Revenues vs. Consulting Revenues by 1999
By 1976, audit fees accounted for approximately 70% of total revenue earned by any accounting firm in general. According to the Public Accounting Report, an Atlanta newsletter, the auditing and assurance services revenues dropped to 30% and tax services business accounted for 19% of the total revenues earned in 1999. Mathematically speaking, this means management consulting services accounted for approximately 51% of the total revenue being earned in 1999 by public accounting firms.
Fact: According to The Business Journal 's Book of Lists, PwC had $75 million in South Florida billings in 1998 to place third among accounting firms.
SEC Auditors ' Independence Rule
The independence rules require that auditors refrain from investing in companies that they audit, to ensure objective, truthful reporting and opinion. The rule applies to all auditors, their relatives, spouses, dependents, non-dependents, and, in some cases, associates must disclose all holdings.
On the September 25, 2002 issue of, the Accounting Wars Powerful auditor-consultants are the target of Arthur Levitt 's crusade articles defined "Independence to mean, CPAs cannot audit their own or their partners ' work . ..clear and honest
Bibliography: 1. Tampa Bay Business Journal – February 15, 1999: SEC issues auditors new independence guidelines by Carol Cronan: 2. CFO Magazine – March Issue 2000 – Policing the Auditors There are rumbles in the industry that more than one Big Five accounting firm will be found in violation of independence regulations by Leslie Schultz: 3. Accounting Independent Consultants Finds Widespread Independence Violations at PriceWaterhouseCoopers – January 10, 2000 by Andrew Priest: 4. South Florida The Business Journal – April 7, 2000: SEC keeping close eye on accountants ' independence by Jim Freer: 5. The CPA Journal: The SEC 's New Auditors Independence Standard by Dan L. Goldwasser Esq. 6. Business Week – September 30, 2002 – Arthur Levitt 's Crusade 7. The Auditor 's Report Volume 23, No. 2, Winter 2002 – An Update on Auditor Independence by Douglas F. Prawitt, Brigham Young University 8. Business Week – September 25, 2002 – Accounting Wars Powerful auditor-consultants are the target of Arthur Levitt 's crusade 9. Report on PriceWaterhouseCoopers Violations Has Some Critics by Robert Kowaiski and Tracy Byrnes Staff Reporters 10. The Motley Fool – Who 's Auditing the Auditors? by Yi-Hsin Chang