Glass’ law
“Requirement deficiencies are the prime source of project failures
Coming to my explanation Glass law states that if the basic requirements of the projects is not constructed properly that may leads failure of the project. To achieve goals in the project it plays an vital role and any drawbacks may leads project unsuccessful. Around 20% of all IT project failures were caused by incomplete or badly managed requirements.
Example: Technological University-Online Practical Tests
In the case of technological university the requirements specifications for the online practical exams had been implemented without consulting students and university staff. This system was designed in such a way that students affliated to that university are write the test test online at the same day and same time. Considering the requirements of the colleges were different an the project objectives were different. This leads to failure of the that project.
Boehm’s first law
“Errors are most frequent during the requirements and design activities and are the more expensive the later they are removed”.
Coming to my explanation Boehm’s law states that the basic designing of the projects mat leads to errors and miscalculations. The sooner you find a problem, the cheaper it is to fix , otherwise to detect the errors in the project is very expensive or complicated . This law is applicable from midrange systems. Example:
City Council – Pay Roll System
A city council developed a replacement payroll system believed that users had comprehensive knowledge of all the business requirements. But the current staff or IT team had participated in building the old system - they had no knowledge of how it was built. That leads to many errors and it cause project failure.
Boehm’s second law
“Prototyping (significantly) reduces requirement and design errors, especially