
Primary Source Essay

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Primary Source Essay
Primary Source Essay Assignment In my point of view, history portrays the past. While reading a American history book, people would only focus on the essential events that trigger their emotions; however, they should recognize the American history are dominated by three elements- race, class, and gender. In the rest of the assignment, I would use several primary sources documents to analyze how gender had made a big impact in the American history. It would signify the hardships that women endured in different period of time which began with women proclaimed the right to vote; next, young girls opened to the environment and worked in urban areas; then, the success of women suffrage; lastly, losing their own identity. From the early 1800s, the role of women was perceived as a subordinate to their husbands. After a long term oppression and lack of respect by the public, women thought they should make an appeal to restore their rights back. Declaration of Sentiments was signed among a group of female activists in Seneca Falls in New York on July 19, 1848. The document had been the first document that women claimed their right to vote in American history which could be divided into three sections where stated the reasons of going rights of women, statements of how men had abused women’s rights, and the resolutions. The last two pages were the script of a speech given by Elizabeth Stanton in the meeting to discuss why women should stand up to proclaim their rights. It has set to be a significant moment to all American women where this document signifies the first action of women suffrage and awaked the public that the rights of women should be granted.
The women participated in this function pointed out several reasons of why public needed to grant women’s rights. According to Declaration of Sentiments, it states “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal” (2). As all men and women are created equal and men are given

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