When reading and analyzing the beginning of religion the word primitive or primal comes to mind as a sense of development. This choice of words makes me reflect in terms of theories and exploration. Primal is derived from the word beginning or first. When reading the sections in Prehistoric and Primal cultures, religion has and always will have the form a mystery. In the starting chapter we see primitive religion has been developed over every continent among people who have no contact with each other. It is amazing how many similarities exist among primitive religions.
In order to understand and reflect on religion development on humanity it’s important to start at the end of ones life then the beginning. This comes to terms with the description of Stone Age practices of burials. It’s at one end of life that someone seeks spirituality for guidance. Through the reading we are brought through each step in prehistoric cultures to find the link to religion. These links can be found in archeologist finds on paintings, clay figurines and engravings. These’s symbols left behind are like pieces of a puzzle yet to be unsolved. Though each pieces discovered we can try to relate the message the have left. Through the help of clues left behind we we’re able to base our selves on certain terminology to pin point characteristics of primal religion.
It is interesting to follow each period in history to find out its different form on religion. When going back to prehistoric religion we recognize the rise and fall of monotheism and polytheism. I found it quite surprising how anxiety plays a great role in ritual. In the chapters that fallow we see how people attribute much that happened to