Amanda Durell
Southern New Hampshire University
Prince Sports is a leading tennis supplier in the international market. They have many products including racquets, bags, apparel and other accessories. They are leaders in innovation in tennis and have invented new racquet technology. Prince is excellent at catering to all types of tennis players, from juniors to professionals and everyone in-between.
An environmental force that will work for Prince is the continuing growth of the population. The population is expected to continue growing which will provide opportunity for all markets. The boom in technology in the 21st century has created an atmosphere where anyone can have access to information at …show more content…
Large advertisements in the store, coupons for Prince products. It is important to keep prices reasonable in large retail stores because chances are there will be other tennis options that are reasonably priced as well. In specialty tennis shops Prince could provide demo rackets, posters, detailed catalogs, information on racquets and strings. They could distribute other accessories to shops like bags, and sneakers. They could run deals at certain times, like if a customer spends a certain amount of money of Prince products, they receive a complimentary Prince bag. Prince could advertise their product in local newspapers or magazines, so that consumers know their product is available at specialty shops. In evaluating new countries to aggressively market their products it is important to evaluate each market’s trade barriers like tariffs and quotas. These barriers could make the Prince product too expensive in certain countries and limit their exports. It is also important to understand the culture when considering countries to distribute to. If Prince’s products don’t suit a certain culture it is best not to select that country. Understanding the legal system of countries being considered is important as well. There are lack of civil, commercial and criminal codes in many countries, that Prince probably would not want to expose their company to. Countries that Prince may consider agressivley marketing in are, Canada, United Kingdom, and Brazil. Once Prince decided upon countries to market in, depending on the countries atmosphere, they could place ads on billboards and in stores that carry their product. Advertisements on popular television channels and radio stations could be helpful in getting the brand seen as well. A great marketing strategy in other countries could be to sponser tennis players