
Princess Taytu Ethiopian Imperialism

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Princess Taytu Ethiopian Imperialism
Princess Taytu Betul the de facto leader of Ethiopia in the late 1800’s and early 1900”s along with her husband emperor Menelik II defeated imperialism. The concept Princess Taytu Bethel represents is anti-imperialism. African imperialism started from the ‘Scramble for Africa” which was the colonization, invasion, occupation, and annexation of African territory by European powers. Taytu Bethel crushed European imperialism when Italy claimed rights to Ethiopian land in 1889. Ethiopia was in disarray after the death of current emperor Yohannes IV after he died in battle. Menelik II and his wife Taytu Bethel claimed of the Shewa clan claimed rights to the throne with Italy help. Italy recognized Ethiopian sovereignty as long as they could control an area north of Ethiopia. Taytu Bethel knew the Italians wanted to conquer Ethiopia so she rallied troops and defeated Italian forces in battle. She was Ethiopia beacon for …show more content…
At the “Battle of Adwa” which solidified Ethiopian independence from Italy. At “The Battle of Adwa”, in which Ethiopian forces under Emperor Menelik II rallied under a united Ethiopia. To defeat an invading force of Italian troops, this was the most significant turning points in the history of modern Africa”-Crown Council of Ethiopia. It is here Taytu true ability against imperialism was tested. Theses same values will carry over later on in her life as leader of Ethiopia where she would rule. In the “Battle of Adwa”, the Ethiopian army was tested. Since the Italians controlled the area to the north Eritrea they had an advantage. The Italians were expected to have an advantage to this position based on logistics. These advantages could have been vital for an Italian victory if it wasn't for Taytu Bethel quick thinking. Many speculate this is the reason for victory in the battle against the Italians. Taytu ability to be a military strategist was key to her success as a

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