Now in today’s society we are beginning to want to stray away from the idea of having Print materials or otherwise known as print culture. Mainly due to the fact that we are now living in a world where technology is improving so fast that most of everything we rely on is becoming digitalized, and formatted into electronic material. But not to say that we would never use printed material ever again just that they could be less common; they could also eventually become more valuable in the future. So the differences between print and electronic are that having printed materials such as books, magazine, encyclopedia etc. you are automatically guaranteed it’s going to an accurate and creditable resource. Another difference is that printed material is always accessible whenever you need it unlike electronic material where it may not always be actively backed up, or compatible with newer technology. Also Electronic materials are not always free to obtain due to that fact that they may need you to be licensed to use it or that they require a fee
Now in today’s society we are beginning to want to stray away from the idea of having Print materials or otherwise known as print culture. Mainly due to the fact that we are now living in a world where technology is improving so fast that most of everything we rely on is becoming digitalized, and formatted into electronic material. But not to say that we would never use printed material ever again just that they could be less common; they could also eventually become more valuable in the future. So the differences between print and electronic are that having printed materials such as books, magazine, encyclopedia etc. you are automatically guaranteed it’s going to an accurate and creditable resource. Another difference is that printed material is always accessible whenever you need it unlike electronic material where it may not always be actively backed up, or compatible with newer technology. Also Electronic materials are not always free to obtain due to that fact that they may need you to be licensed to use it or that they require a fee