Priscilla And Wimps, Awesome story and Diamond Daddy, three of them are bound with one theme about a social relationships. The theme of friendship evolves in the two selected stories particularly Priscilla And Wimps and Awesome story where the friendships makes a significant difference in the life of the main characters. However, The Diamond Daddy by Ezek Essien was a story about partnership between two people who have been support each other through the hard times in life.
The story Priscilla And Wimps the author is showing the audience how the friendship can change the lives of the characters and how support of one can play extremely important role in one’s life. The story tells about the gang called Kobra, the main antagonist of the story is Monk the leader of the gang. The group was a …show more content…
The story tells about two children that meet each other in the young age. They were not just a friends, they were the best and closest friends ever. They knew every secret and knew what each of them know and think. They have been staying inseparable and supportive friends for the rest of the life. The story teaches us how important and essential the friendship in one's life could be.
The third story Diamond Daddy is about how two good co workers lost the relationships by one betraying another . The story begins with the introducing the main character Alfred Okon and his friend Kofi. They both were working in the Africa by outputting diamonds from the mine. They knew each other for a long time by becoming close colleagues. However, the end of the story becomes a turning points for each character. Alfred Okon goes to the jail because Kofi decides to betray him for his own sake. In conclusion, this story teaches how tragic, painful and extreme the betrayal can be in one's