Word count approx: 2177
A written report on “Prison Inmate’s Being Allowed to Vote “
Aims and objectives Quick reminder of ‘What is Ethics’? Who participated? My audience. The issue I presented. What I spoke about in my presentation. Deontological and Utilitarian views Any possible ethical conflict’s arising? Why I chose what I chose. Any personal perspectives involved? Codes of Practice. Summary. Referencing. Bibliography. Appendix.
In looking at ethics and the ethical issues we all face within society today, I was asked to choose an ethical issue and present an individual presentation of 15 minutes to an audience using visual aids.
The ethical issue had to be of public interest, had to be in relation to health and social care and most importantly had to be an issue that would make me the student, engrossed by the information I had found, eager to divulge and overall excited by the issue I had explored.
What is ethics?
Ethics is a set of principles of conduct that guide the decision making and behaviour. The purpose being to make sure that all those who follow it make ethical decisions with consistency involved. (College hand out of Ethics 2010/11)
My understanding………
What we all value comes into question when confronting an ethical issue. We have to evaluate when a moral act is right (ethical) or wrong (unethical) and then make a moral decision based on the facts.
Who participated? My audience.
I presented a power point presentation to my audience (class mates) and tutors on the ethical issue.
The audience actively listened to the information I gave them and then was given the opportunity to ask any questions at the end.
The issue I presented.
The crusade started over 10 years ago,
Bibliography: Great Britain. Grand Chamber case of Hirst v The United Kingdom (NO 2), inc the costing).(2005). Application number 74025/01. Mr L Wild Haber “Report“ Last accessed 7th January 2011. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights College handout 2009. The Human Rights Act (2000) College handout 2009.