Privacy has been a controversial topic since the humanity began to develop the civilization and live individually or in a small group as family instead of in a big group of population inside a huge cave. Basically, privacy is a seclusion of one’s information or existence from public. The motion of privacy is described as an action of hiding something or keeping something secret, but it is still debatable whether privacy is achieved when either someone is being alone in a certain limited space or when someone is not being paid attention even though they are in a crowd or both. Nowadays the boundary of privacy is not so clear anymore with the developing technology and civilization. A lot of techniques to maintain the balance of our society lifestyle are claimed to be indirectly invading people’s privacy such as using surveillance camera in almost every corner of public places for security purposes or companies gathering personal data and storing them for marketing purposes. In “Privacy is Overated” by David Plotz and “Smile, You’re on Security Camera” by John McElhenny in “What Matters in America” book by Gary Goshgarian, it is stated that people are uncomfortable with companies and officials actions which they feel have invaded their privacy such as setting up security cameras and saving personal records, but in fact, those things are proved to be able to bring good impacts for the society. The current situation shows how today’s society is not able to live happily and conveniently without giving up its privacy and thus, it is necessary to violate privacy to a certain extent in order to maintain social and cultural balance, and as the invasion of privacy that happens these days has not gone over the boundary, it explicitly helps us in living our life.…