Dignity is defined as the “quality of being worthy of respect” (Collins, 2005, p.176) which is how midwives should be treating women in their everyday work. This leads to gaining the trust and confidence of the woman and family, and also improves caregiving and the strength of the midwife/woman relationship. There is a public perception that it is harder for midwives to maintain patient dignity because of the nature of what they must do. However this is not the case, no matter what area of maternity care the midwife is working within – dignity can always be maintained even if only faintly. This can be achieved by allowing the woman to express her thoughts and opinions freely, make informed choices and ensuring consent is given. This will then allow the woman and midwife to form a firmer relationship in which the woman can open up about any problems she may be facing (such as domestic violence or substance abuse, etc.) or any concerns she may have which in turn, can improve the health and safety of both woman and fetus.
It is imperative for a midwife to identify
References: Collins. (2005) Collins Dictionary & Thesaurus: Express. Glasgow: HarperCollins Publishers. Morad, S., Parry-Smith, W and McSherry, W. (2013) ‘Dignity in Maternity Care’, Evidence Based Midwifery, 11(2), pp.67-70, Royal College of Midwives [Online]. Available at: http://issuu.com/redactive/docs/ebm_june_2013/1 (Accessed: 30 October 2013). Nursing and Midwifery Council (2013) The Code in Full. Available at: http://www.nmc-uk.org/Nurses-and-midwives/Standards-and-guidance1/The-code/The-code-in-full/#dignity (Accessed: 29 October 2013). Widäng, I., Fridlund, B and Martensson. (2008) ‘Women patients’ conceptions of integrity within the health care: a phenomenographic study’, 61(5), pp.544, Journal of Advanced Nursing [Online]. Available at: http://0-search.ebscohost.com.brum.beds.ac.uk/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=2009801505&site=eds-live&scope=site (Accessed: 31 October 2013).