reader exactly what the title implies. Plotz feels that our privacy has been abolished, but
we have nothing to be afraid of. To assert his opinion, Plotz begins the essay with facts
about himself that explains ways in which he has been relieved of some privacy in his
everyday life. Plotz explains that his computer’s hard drive is flooded with cookies from
organizations that monitor his actions on the web, telecoms pinpoint exact locations of
his phone calls, and credit reporting companies are well aware of late payments he makes.
Plotz believes that the public’s privacy is being invaded by the government. He
describes the government as “Big Brother” and says that “Big Brother” watches over
everyone regardless of having the consent of the people or not. The government watches
us, keeping tabs on everything we purchase and where we take our vacations with
intentions to find clues on terrorism, according to Plotz. The author believes that the
information that the government obtains isn’t our true privacy, so we should turn a blind
eye to “Big Brother’s” watchful eye. Plotz describes genuine privacy as the ability to
share one’s desires, goals, and mistakes with others. He believes we grow to trust each
other as a result of surrendering some of our privacy to “Big Brother”, which according to
Plotz, helps us find a sense of worth. Plotz concludes that the government’s invasion into
our lives is not only nothing to be worried about, but it is also beneficial to our
relationships amongst each other, helping us to trust each other with our actual private