Government is meant to be useful and to protect those within the country, but what if by protecting you, citizens lose complete and utter privacy, is this then okay because it’s helpful due to security purposes or is it an invasion upon your rights? Government has maintained nondisclosure over what they’ve been monitoring in your personal life. Recently these ideas have been exposed through treason as it should technically be called. Why have these security precautions caused such a stir? It’s helping the government; it’s protecting those who are innocent. Although it is an issue that both ends of the spectrum are truthful, why be afraid if you’re an innocent individual, in essence you’re being a help to everyone. The need for security should generally be put above all other scenarios, based off of safety and threats to our country. As of recent, government has found little ways to enhance security in public. In countless states they’ve installed security cameras on street lights Cameras are not meant to be concerning for your personal life, it’s meant to enforce laws and be completely accurate. They’re the same as a policing tool, such as guns, not as extreme though, cameras evidence is more reliable. It eliminates the risk of being wrongfully ticketed. As well as accurately reading the correct license plates. These cameras are also a good source for evidence. Another use for cameras is placing them along buildings, or just overall in a public environment. The use of these specific cameras is to catch crimes as they are happening. It stops the risks of a he said, she said situation. In a recent turn of events the use of cameras was a huge help in identifying criminals. Many may be aware of the Boston Marathon Bombing, due to the use of cameras and surveillance they were able to identify the criminals in substantial time. Imagine if that would have happened without cameras near; those men could be out of the US or we
Government is meant to be useful and to protect those within the country, but what if by protecting you, citizens lose complete and utter privacy, is this then okay because it’s helpful due to security purposes or is it an invasion upon your rights? Government has maintained nondisclosure over what they’ve been monitoring in your personal life. Recently these ideas have been exposed through treason as it should technically be called. Why have these security precautions caused such a stir? It’s helping the government; it’s protecting those who are innocent. Although it is an issue that both ends of the spectrum are truthful, why be afraid if you’re an innocent individual, in essence you’re being a help to everyone. The need for security should generally be put above all other scenarios, based off of safety and threats to our country. As of recent, government has found little ways to enhance security in public. In countless states they’ve installed security cameras on street lights Cameras are not meant to be concerning for your personal life, it’s meant to enforce laws and be completely accurate. They’re the same as a policing tool, such as guns, not as extreme though, cameras evidence is more reliable. It eliminates the risk of being wrongfully ticketed. As well as accurately reading the correct license plates. These cameras are also a good source for evidence. Another use for cameras is placing them along buildings, or just overall in a public environment. The use of these specific cameras is to catch crimes as they are happening. It stops the risks of a he said, she said situation. In a recent turn of events the use of cameras was a huge help in identifying criminals. Many may be aware of the Boston Marathon Bombing, due to the use of cameras and surveillance they were able to identify the criminals in substantial time. Imagine if that would have happened without cameras near; those men could be out of the US or we