International Journal of Project Management 32 (2014) 327 – 340 Project risk management methodology for small firms
Sara Marcelino-Sádaba a,⁎, Amaya Pérez-Ezcurdia a ,
Angel M. Echeverría Lazcano b , Pedro Villanueva a a Dept. Projects and Rural Engineering, Public University of Navarre, Spain b Zabala Innovation Consulting, S.A., Spain
Received 15 January 2013; received in revised form 17 May 2013; accepted 23 May 2013
We present a project management methodology designed for small businesses (SMEs), who need to run projects beyond their normal operations. These projects are critical to the survival of these organisations, such as the development of new products to adapt to the market or new legislation, management system implementations, etc. Very frequently, the managers of these projects are not project management professionals, so they need guidance to have autonomy, using minimal time and documentation resources. The risk management method outlined in this paper is based on extensive research with a large number (72) of Spanish companies. This new methodology considers the factors that are usually neglected by SMEs; i.e., project alignment with the company 's strategy and results management. The methodology, based on project risk management, includes simple tools, templates and risk checklists with recommended actions and indicators. For validation it was tested in five different types of real projects (innovation, management systems and ICT implementation) of industrial and service companies with different characteristics.
© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. APM and IPMA. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Small firms; Project risk management methodology; Strategic risks
1. Introduction
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)1 represent a very important part of the European economy, as they are the major
⁎ Corresponding author at: Dept. Projects and Rural Engineering, Public
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