Must cases are ended as the defendant is guilty. One of Kevin’s cell mates was sentence to the death penalty because he was texting and driving. His mom text him and asked him “where r u” Kevin looked at his phone when he hit a guard rail that sent is car off the over pass killing his best friend on impact as they hit the ground. The judges saw it as murder and found the driver guilty.
Kevin had a lot of time to think about things, like why the death penalty has changed over time. the death penalty has probably change over time because getting hang wasn’t that bad it was kind of a fast death. They knew that evolution had to come to the death penalty. death penalty has to come because of the attitude towards the death penalty .
The issue that the death penalty has ever had to face was the state’s ability to kill someone. It wouldn’t have to matter if it was a citizen because it could be an simple person that was just visiting the state and somehow got confused with the murder.
There was a lot of people in the prison. Kevin met a lot of knew people. They were violent. Kevin asked them if they were scared of the death penalty and they said they weren’t. one of the people he asked said that the death penalty was invented to maybe bring down the crimes but it didn’t work. The crimes still went up. The death penalty didn’t scare