- What is the time and place of the story?
- Don these have any bearing on or importance to the story?
- Does the setting vary, of is it static?
- Are characters affected by the setting? How?
- Is there a particular atmosphere created?
- How is this created?
- What effect does it have on characters and events
- What does the author tell us about the characters? Ie. Descriptive presentation?
- What do the characters reveal about themselves by what they think, say and do, i.e. the ‘dramatic’ presentation?
- How do the characters respond to stress and conflict?
- What do others think of particular characters and their relationships?
- How do the characters change or develop?
- Is the character in conflict with (an)other character(s)?
- What form does this conflict take?
- Does the character face an inner conflict?
- Is there some conflict with an outside force or nature?
- Is the character in conflict with the values or attitudes of society?
- Is the conflict resolved? How?
- What effect does the conflict have on the character and/or events
- Is the story told in the first person point of view (I/we), or third person point of view (he/she/they)
- Does this affect the reader’s understanding of the story?
- What is the form of narration – diary, flashback, narrative prose?
- How is language being used – sentence structure, vocabulary
- What devices or techniques are employed – imagery, contrasts, repitition, symbol?
- Is a comment being made on some particular aspect of life?
- Is some message being implied by the sequence of