“This technique was widely practiced before 1880. 56% of U.S. adults say it should be legal in all or most cases, compared with 41% who say it should be illegal. Abortions have been around for thousands of years. However, in the eighteen hundreds abortions in the United States became illegal. (Lipka, 2016)
We all question what people believe is the right decision. You can argue with someone on their beliefs, …show more content…
Pro-life is when individuals believe women should not have the right to abort a baby, pro-choice is the complete opposite. Pro-choice is the belief that a woman has the right to choose the best choice for her personal health, future, and moral sensibility. In my opinion abortion should be illegal. Life begins at conception, therefore I view the termination of a fetus as murder. Taking away one's life when they have no say is murder. How can you withdraw an innocent child's life? A failed abortion can result to a severely handicapped child. How can you attempt to damage a child for life causing your child to come out intellectually handicapped? How can you deliberately kill a miniscule baby because you decided to not use a form of birth control? …show more content…
I believe the main people against abortion are the ones who are not physically capable of having a child. Humans all around the world would do anything to have a baby. When you can carry a child and then turn to adoption, why would you not? In our society today, people judge, talk, and point out facts, but that will never change. People try to escape the reality of having a child, and that is why they turn to aborting the fetus. Abortion has never fully developed in my mind. It is difficult for me to even view why someone would want to abort a child, but I have never been in that position so it is hard to judge. I say I know I would never abort a child, but do I really know. Everyone worries about how people will look at them. If a young woman was sexually active and became pregnant how many people would she catch staring at her, giving her weird looks, pointing at her, and much more? I do believe that is a big reason why abortion takes place.
Abortion takes place in all ages. 51% of abortions are performed on women less than 25 years of age. Approximately 1/3 of American women have had an abortion by age 45. ("Abortion Facts", 2013). So many abortions take place, people would not believe it. That is a lot of women. If you are in a room with 9 people statistics show that 3 of the women in that room have committed abortion. That is outright crazy. When it comes to a topic like this, you should not be closed