Anti-abolitionists believed at the time that black people could simply not live as free people, they had mischievous and destructive character. Slave owners believed that black people didn't have morals. Anti-abolitionists believed that black people could simply not live as free people, they had mischievous and destructive character. Slave owners believed that black people didn't have morals. Southerners had the impression that when black people were unproductive the idleness would fester into them committing acts of vengeance, "and every year you would hear of insurrections and plots, and every day would perhaps record a murder..." Therefore, they did not want to enable black people to …show more content…
At the Constitutional Convention, the south worried that northerners would overpower them and control Congress, due to the higher free man population in the north. The south didn't want to be at the mercy of the north, but despite that the south was still not willing to consider a slave as one person. That's where the 3/5th Compromise came from. Black people weren't even considered a whole person because they weren't moral enough or smart enough to matter to the United