1. Name of the company
2. Type of ownership (please tick respective one) a) Solo partnership [ ] b) Partnership [ ] c) Pvt ltd company [ ] d) Public limited company [ ] e) others [ ]
3. Are you focusing on: - [ ] export / [ ] domestic market [ ] both
4. How long you engage in garment industry a) Below 5 yrs [ ] b) 5 yrs – 10 yrs [ ] c) 10 yrs – 15 yrs [ ] d) 15 yrs - 20 yrs [ ] e) more than 20 yrs [ ]
5. Is it is your family business a) Yes [ ] b) no [ ]
6. Do you agree education is the c2riteria for doing business in Tirupur city?
a) Strongly agree [ ] b) Agree [ ]
c) No answer [ ] d) Disagree[ ] e) Strongly disagree [ ]
7. What is your annual turnover of the business? _________
8. Rank your strength of business a) Labor cost advantage [ ] b) Skilled labor availability [ ] c) Infrastructure [ ] d) availability in raw materials [ ] e) capability in product development [ ]
9. Rank the factor that you find problem in doing business? a) Cost of finance [ ] b) government tariff [ ] c) In adequate labor [ ] d) Dying factory problem (pollution control rules by gov) [ ] e) lack of professionalism [ ]
10. Please rank, based on aspect of opportunities a) 1 [ ] b) 2 [ ] c) 3 [ ] d) 4 [ ] e) 5 [ ]
11. Are the customer satisfied with price of your product a) Strongly agree [ ] b) agree [ ] c) No answer [ ] d) Disagree [ ] e) strongly disagree [ ]
12. Percentage distribution of your cloths users from different Users from different years
a) 1 – 5 [ ] b) 6 – 10 [ ]
c) 11 – 15 [ ] d) 16 – 20 [ ] e) 21 – 40 [ ]
13. Type of cloths customer prefer to wear (%) a) Jeans / t-shirts [ ] b) formal [ ] c) Jeans formal [ ] d) T-shirts / shorts [ ] e) others [ ]
14. Difference between