NOTE: The following is general information about the rhetorical mode. It is not meant to take the place of any specific instructions given by your instructor for this assignment. If your instructor wants you to write your paper in a different manner, then by all means do it the way your instructor requires you to do it.
Processing the Process Essay
Here is some detailed information about writing your process (“How to”) essay.
1. The “big idea” behind the paper:
Practically everyone knows how to do something very well. In fact, many people know how to do something so well that they could actually teach someone else to do it.
That is the main purpose behind the process essay. You are to select something (a process) that you know how to do very well and then write a regular essay which
“teaches” the reader how to do that same thing.
2. Here are some important specifics and details. Follow all of them very closely.
The formal name of the mode is process analysis.
Process = a step-by-step movement from a beginning point to an ending point.
Analysis = a careful examination; a close, detailed look at something
3. How do I select a topic?
Something you know how to do very well
Maybe something you do as a hobby
Something you do as part of your job
Perhaps something you learned how to do in school (but do not use any textbook to copy from or to get steps from). All ideas should come from only one source: your own experience.
4. What kind of topic should I select?
a. First of all, select something that is very practical, down-to-earth, and easily visualized by your reader.
b. Accordingly, you should not select a topic that is general, wishy-washy, and much too philosophical, such as “how to change your attitude about life.” Leave that stuff to
Dr. Phil and Oprah.
c. To be on the safe side, limit your choices to one of two categories:
1. Making something (a bird house, a swing, a hamburger,