1. Definition of marketing
2. Advantages and disadvantages of marketing
3. Principles of marketing
- marketing mix
-consumer buying behaviour
4. Definition of product life cycle
5. Stagers of product life cycle
How marketing manager used it as a planning tool
7. Conclusion
This report is presented by one of the marketing experts highlighting all the arears covered in the presentation. We where presenting mostly on the benefit of marketing, the disadvantages and the advantages, product life cycle, evaluating on the stages and how it can be used as a planning tool to the marketing managers. Relating it to the a shoe manufacturing company.
Definition of marketing
As the term implies, people think marketing is all about buying and selling of goods and services. Though it deals with buying and selling, it also involves identifying, anticipating satisfying and creating good relationship with customers. The Chartered institute of marketing define marketing as the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers’ requirements profitably. Kotler and Armstrong in their book define marketing as the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return While the American marketing association define marketing as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchange that satisfy individual and organisational objectives
Advantages and disadvantages of marketing
Organisation has benefit a lot on marketing today than before where managers lack the ability to plan and anticipate for future changes before they carry on with marketing. With this, organisation is able to
-Produce Good
References: Books -Marketing Made Simple. By Goeff Lancaster and Paul Reynnolds, 2002. -Marketing Principles. By kotler Articles Internet sources