
Profesians 6: 12-17

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Profesians 6: 12-17
Having explained in the preceding verses something of the moral implications inherent in the doctrine of justification, Paul now adds moral exhortation to these theological considerations. The reader is exhorted to “let not sin … reign” and to “present (themselves) unto God” (6:12-14). They are reminded of the obligation to obey the master to whom them are committed (6:16-18). They are asked what was gained by serving sin (6:19-21) and are reminded of the advantages of serving God (6:22-23).

6.2.1. The Benefits of Being “Under Grace”. 6:12-14.
In 6:14 Paul confidently asserts that “sin shall not have dominion over” the child of God. The moral exhortations of 6:12-13 are not made meaningless
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Because God’s grace guarantees freedom from sin’s dominion, no redeemed man can excuse himself from his moral responsibility by pleading weakness of impotence (II Corinthians 12:9-10, Philippians 4:13). The fact is, the grace of God in the gospel makes Christians even more responsible before God to live righteous and godly lives. The responsibility for moral effort. 6:12.
The demanding feature of this verse is its moral imperative based upon a theological consideration. Because Christ died to render the “body of sin” inactive (6:6) the believer is now responsible to see that sin does in “reign in (his) mortal body”.

The body continues to be subject to the consequences of the fall. It is “mortal” or dying (II Corinthians 4:1, Philippians 3:21). It has its weaknesses and trials. We are still waiting for the final deliverance when we shall enjoy the “redemption of the body. Moreover, every honest Christian knows that he is still tempted and prone to sin. To deny this is to “deceive ourselves” (I John 1:8).

These inherent physical and moral weaknesses constantly precipitate us into conflict. Vigilance and determination are essential (13:11-14, cf. I Corinthians 9:26-27, Hebrews 12:1-4). So, the Christian should approach this problem

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