Adult Learning Theory When planning a professional development for staff, it is crucial for a leader to provide training that meets the unique needs of adult learners. Andragogy, a term coined by Malcolm Knowles, refers to the adult learn equivalent to pedagogy (Duffy & Forgan, 2005). While a great deal of resources focus on improving pedagogical, less attention is given to developing adult learning approaches. In order to meet the needs of adult learns, a professional development provide opportunities for participants to voice their needs, feel safe, build relationships, receive reinforcement for learning, respect from presenters, active engagement, roles clearly defined, the opportunity for collaboration and accountability …show more content…
(Vella, 2002 as cited in Duffy & Forgan).
The following section outlines a plan for a one day in-service professional development focused on the first 2014-2015 PA Department of Education invite, Assistive Technology. This delivery model was selected as many participants (10 out of 22) identified on site training as an effective means of delivery. As 2014-2015 survey results demonstrated a consistent interest across all areas within this domain, a general training highlighting many of the key aspects within Assistive Technology. It is recommended that following this training, participants identify areas where they would like more intensive training. This follow up training can be offered through online or regional training.
Summary of In-Service Day Often, assistive technology is associated with students with more significant needs including communication or physical needs.
As technology advances and the role of technology devices in our lives increase, the use of assistive technology is becoming more prevalent in all classrooms. The following training will expose adult learners with key concepts within the area of Assistive Technology including how to select a tool for a student, using tools to improve reading, writing and communication, and how to apply the SETT protocol. Throughout the training, assistive technology tools that can be used in a classroom will be incorporated. During the afternoon, teams will work together to modify a lesson, including assistive technology aspects for students within their classrooms. The training will conclude with participants sharing their assistive technology …show more content…
Opening: Engage adult learners in a pre training activity. Learners will complete an Answer Garden prompt regarding what comes to mind when the hear “Assistive Technology”. Responses will resemble the following image (figure 2.). The completed word cloud will be shared with the group and opened up for discussion. The discussion will end with the goal of the training: expanding our definition and use of AT in the classroom.
(Image retrived from:
Video: Participants will view the following video to expose them to a variety of assistive technology uses in the classroom and beyond.
Follow the video, participants will be asked how they use their mobile devices as assistive technology (alarms, schedule, reminders, communication). Participants will be encourage to think of how tools can similarly be used in the the classroom to increase students with disabilities or at-risk students access to classroom materials through accommodations, modifications or strategic planning.
Explore the SETT framework developed by Dr. Joy Smiley Zabala, provides educators with a tool to help identify student needs, address needs through assistive technology and monitor student growth. A video describing the SETT framework along with additional documents will be reviewed with and provided to participants to prepare them for the team based activity in the afternoon. Documents (Zabala, 2010):
SETT Scaffold Form
SETT Data Collection
Tool Description Form
Implementation and Evaluation
Participants will be engaged in the follow activity targeting a specific student who is in need of technology based modifications, accommodations or devices in order to increase access to learning materials. Participants will create a slide in Google Slides from the Google Apps For Education (GAFE) highlighting the needs of the student based on the SETT framework. (Note: A prerequisite for this training is completing the GAFE educators training. Resources for this training are provided by Google.) Additionally, teachers will highlight the environmental aspects through the SETT framework by answering questions regarding tools currently being used, barriers to completing the task and any previously attempted AT tools. Participants may collaborate with others while completing the first steps in the SETT process, however they will be directed to use an alias for their focus student to protect their anonymity.
11:30-12;30 LUNCH BREAK
12:30-1:15 Exploring AT Tools
An Answer Garden prompt will ask participants to identify the needs of their focus student (one need entered at a time). A word cloud will be created highlighting the most common need. Using this need identified by the group, a guided tool search will be conducted by the presented. The following tools will be used to identify tools.
School Based Technologies
Google Chrome AT Resources
Participants will be given time to explore these tools searching for more specific needs for the student they have identified.
1:15-2:15 Finding Tools for a Specific Task
Participants will be grouped based on common grades or content area. Each group will identify a familiar task used within their classrooms. Together, the group will identify tools that can be used to increase a student access to the learning materials. Group discussion will increase participant understanding and comfort level with the tools. During this time, groups will combine their individual slides into a group slide show, introducing the task, each student along with their needs and then demonstrate an effective AT tool that can be used with each student. The facilitator will be available for support and provide suggestions during this time.
Groups will share their slideshows with the whole group. Participants are encouraged to take notes or bookmark tools shared that can be effective in their classroom. Following the presentations, a summary of what was learned will be shared with the group. Additionally, participants will take a survey evaluating the training and identifying if they wish to have more training in this area. The information of the presenter will be shared with the group. Participants may reach out to the presenter for additional support and resources as they begin to implement AT in their classroom.
Professional development is a key aspect in developing and maintaining effective educators. It is crucial for leaders to assess the needs of their staff in order to provide targeted and meaningful training opportunity. Subsequently, leaders must plan professional developments that meet the needs of the unique adult learner. As a future leader in special education, these skills will aid in ensure my staff is highly qualified and implementing best practices in the classroom.