Arrives on time for schedule activities and appointments: This behavior is a must if you work in the healthcare field. As a CT Technologist I with rare exception arrive on time or early to start my shift. There are things that need to be done before you can scan a patient. The scanner must be warmed, the phantom completed, calibrations, and the slew of paperwork started for each patient of the day. I make it a point as a professional to arrive in a timely manner to ensure I have to complete these tasks before my first scheduled patient arrives. It is my duty to make sure every patient is started at their scheduled time, and that I have adequate time to spend with each patient, to ensure proper history and comforting if needed. There have been rare occurrences where I have arrived late due to weather, or an alarm clock malfunction. I have tried and will continue to strive to correct this. One way to improve this is to be more aware of the weather forecast and give myself the extra time needed to arrive at work on time during inclement weather. Another behavior modification is to double check the alarm status and perhaps set an additional clock in case of first clock failure. Although this has only happened on a few rare occasions, it is always unacceptable to make a patient wait, or worse have to rush and not take the appropriate time needed with each patient.
Adheres to institutional policies and procedures: Another important behavior which in which I feel I do well is the following of policies and procedures. This is a must to ensure patient, and employee safety as well as to adhere to state and federal mandated regulations. Policies and procedures in a health care facility are in place for a reason and must be followed. For instance an institutional policy requiring lab values prior to contrast injection is a definite need for patient safety. Policies may differ from facility to facility on age, and the function