English 11, Period 5
October 4th, 2013 Professionalism is the competence or skill expected of a professional. A person can show professionalism by showing another person good things that they were taught to do. " A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn't feel like it." This quote means that even when he doesnt't feel like doing his work he can do a good job at it beacuse he is alreadyy skilled and trained to do a job. There are several categories of professionalism such as, preparation, participation, respect, and self-advocacy. A prefessional student is a student that comes to school prepared with pencils, pens, paper, and required assignments (rubric). A professional student comes to class and participates in a lesson by taking notes during important assignments. Come to class with a respectful attitude and follow rules. If you want to pass you use self-advocacy and turn your work in on time, hardly be absent, and if you miss a day then come after school for extra hep My particular strengths that regard to professionalism are prepartion and self-advocacy. I frequently come too class prepared with my pencil, pen, paper, homework, and the assignment from the day before. Most of the time i make my missing work up and when my teacher cant help me at the point i need help I either g to one of my other teahers or my assistant principal for help. There are times i need help and i go to my teacher for extra help oe just to study with her hust incase of a test, because it helps me better. Just as I have several strengths, i also have some of my weakness that i have to improve. My weakness are respect and participation, two of the most mportant things that i need to be giving. I feel that i need to participate because if i do i can know it better and get credits or points just for answering questions and helping the teacher out. I only give respect if i get respect and thats sort of my problem.