Since the inception of the first doctor of physical therapy program in 1993, the healthcare field has shifted into allowing direct access for physical therapists, along with allowing them to evaluate the patients’ condition without a diagnosis by a medical doctor. Because of this integrity has …show more content…
become an even more important factor to consider. While academic dishonesty has always been a major concern, this has been amplified as physical therapists attain more responsibilities. Any form of plagiarism or misrepresentation hinders future physical therapists from learning necessary material needed to make a proper diagnosis in their future practice. Since patients’ wellbeing is in the physical therapists hands, integrity is of the upmost importance. Unethical behavior indicates that the individual places their own needs above others. To be a professional in the physical therapy field it requires one to put aside their own needs in order to meet their patient’s needs. When patients come to a physical therapist, they put their complete trust that the therapist will be able to guide them to their goals. Therefore, if one sells themselves short during school, they will be letting the patient down in the long run.
After many years in the work force, a large number of people grow complacent and only perform the bare minimum in their careers.
Since physical therapy is a constantly evolving field, complacency proves to be disastrous. Certain techniques become outdated and others take their place in order to benefit the patient. Because of this, therapists must change their approach accordingly. In order to stay up to date on state-of-the-art techniques, therapists must preserve the curiosity they had when first starting a doctor of physical therapy program. What this means for current students is going above and beyond the bare minimum. This is done through obtaining a comprehensive understanding and the ability to apply the concepts instead of studying to pass exams. Additionally, this curiously entails investigating beyond the required readings in class and expanding learning through additional resources such as: peer reviewed research articles, books, conferences, and practicing physical therapists. In a sense, physical therapists never stop being students of the field, even after they attain their doctoral …show more content…
Essential to any successful professional is taking pride in their work.
Deciding to enroll in a doctor of physical therapy program is not an easy task. It requires a daily commitment for three to four years to learn the material necessary to succeed in the future. In order to honor this commitment a doctor of physical therapy student must come to class every day with the desire to help others succeed. Physical therapy school will be a culmination of long hours and grueling studying, but at the end of the day the best students will embrace this because succeeding will bring them one step closer to making a difference in people’s lives. When students take complete pride in helping others succeed, it enables them to be successful themselves. A large number of people in today’s world dread going to work and only do what is necessary to survive. To demonstrate professionalism, students must have love for the profession and not be in it for any reason other than wanting to see others improve their quality of lives. Most physical therapists have a different mindset than the rest of the world. When they see people’s suffering they become excited for the opportunity to bring them back to normal functioning. When posed with a challenge, they do not give up and say they will do better next time. They see every individual that entrusts them with their care as opportunities to make the world a better place. Students in a doctor of physical therapy program must show the same enthusiasm
for their work because they are the future of the profession.