January 12, 2015
AP English
Women in today’s society do face phantoms and obstacles in their lives. Women are faced with more challenges than men are faced with. Women struggle to claim themselves as equals to men. Even though women primarily take care of men and their family, women are still seen as beneath men. Women mainly in the Middle East face the most Phantoms and obstacles in their lives. Women in the Middle East today do face phantoms and obstacles because of sexism, patriarchy, and religion. Sexism is something that plagues women all over the world. Sexism is discrimination against women just because of their gender. Many men see women as less skilled than men, and therefore are not hired for jobs. Because of this less women work than men do, in skilled work areas. Men are more likely than women to be in a position of power in a company. Men are more likely the ones performing an interview than women that is a major alley for sexism to come into play. Because men perform the interview more men are hired for skilled positions than women, leaving many women in the Middle East in low level jobs, compared to men. This also encourages future generations of women to not go to college and get a degree, because the likelihood of them finding a job is slim. Patriarchy is where men hold dominance over women. Patriarchy is a system in society where men have placed themselves over women. Basically leaving women to stay at home, while men go off and work. The is a major obstacle that was very popular in 1950’s U.S.A. This is a time when women stayed at home and cleaned while the men provided money for their family. But patriarchy is still a thing even today in the Middle East. With patriarchy in society it left women to not gain any skills beyond need of being a house wife, and go the Female gender in a root. A root where they were led to led education after high school, leaving them less advanced in the work place, and less likely to become a