Jayvee Maza
BSBA- Financial Management
TF (1:00pm-2:30pm)
Corporations that have an eco-friendly philosophy are rewarded with greater profits.
I. The Environment and your business
II. The benefits of an environmentally friendly business
A. Value of Being green
B. Make your business environmentally friendly
III. Support to help your business go green
A. Summary
B. Conclusion
I. Introduction
A. Background of the Study A “green” business strives to have a positive impact on the environment and community. It develops and practices business strategies that go beyond regulation and demonstrate commitment to a healthy and sustainable future. A green business adopts principles, policies, and practices that improve the quality of life for its customers and employees. Our environmental and ethical plan not only makes us a more efficient business, it contributed a net benefit. For years, companies have wrestled with the question of whether environmentally friendly business practices created enough financial value to justify investing in them. Those questions remain for many organizations as a fragile world economy demands prudent stewardship of company currency. From a business point of view going green might not always appear to be economically efficient, but in many cases companies will have no option since government policy and subsequent legislation will compel them to follow certain lines of action. There will obviously be costs involved. Buying eco-friendly equipment, packaging and materials can be expensive. Initial costs can be higher, even if the variable costs work out cheaper in the long run. Light bulbs are a good example. Environmentally friendly bulbs can cost three times as much as conventional bulbs, but they last much longer. The initial cost can be offset by long-term savings,
References: Michael Evans (2011) - “Environmental Business” , Keivan Zokaei (2013) – “Environmentally-friendly business is profitable business” ,