HSM 270
Final- Program Summary
Instructor: Michelle Bishop
Due Date: 3/13/2011
The process of a program’s development is to acknowledge what exactly the program is, and what mission they set forth to achieve. Regarding the Far West Elementary School’s organization mission where they work as a team filled with parents, and staff who are dedicated to creating a caring, exciting environment that promotes responsibility, self esteem, and academic achievement where differences are valued and learning is a lifelong goal. Although the mission promotes responsibility the school lacks in English proficiency. This program curriculum is undeveloped because the staff is lacking the qualifications; they are teaching the children using non certified or non licensed skills. The material needs to be upgraded via the English curricula. In order for the limited English proficiency (LEP) skills to grow the qualifications of the staff must be qualified. Within this program it will provide thoroughness, communication, and financial management. These elements are needed because it will build the morale of the program, the current staff and students skills, and the community of the low cost area of Far West Elementary School.
Assessments will be to analyze the programs purpose and its empowerment. According to, Gutierrez (1994) defines empowerment as the “process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political power so that individuals, families, and communities can take action to improve their situations”. I chose this quote because I felt it works well with the school and how one can increase their skills when it comes to defining the process and determining the goal. The assessments determine if the faculty member is qualified to teach in a professional manner? The assessments will be constructed by licensed bilingual counselors who document the knowledge, skills, and beliefs of the staff; it will focus on the case studies, the
References: Educational Assessment". Academic Exchange Quarterly, available at Rapidintellect.com- Retrieved January 28, 2009. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_assessment- Retrieved, 3/13/2011 Gutierrez (1994) Practical Grant Writing and Program Evaluation- Retrieved 3/13/2011 U.S Department of Health and Human Services- Administration for Children & Families (ACF)- 2011 http://www.acf.hhs.gov- retrieved 2/27/2011