Programs and Services Matrix
Use the matrix to identify five different types of programs or services available for long-term care populations. Include a brief description of the program or service and identify the populations that may be in need of each. Indicate whether this type of service or program is available in your community and provide examples, if possible, of each.
|Program or service |Description |Population(s) it serves |Local community examples (if |
| | | |available) |
|The Nutrition Program (NPE) |This program helps ensure older |Older adults. The only |It is available in my community |
| |adults receive proper nutrition |qualification is that the |through Meals On Wheels and the |
| |by serving them already prepared|individual must be at least 60 |local senior center. |
| |meals. Administered by DHHS. |years old. | |
| |This program help with feeding |Senior’s. The only people who |This program is available in my |
|Senior Care |and providing different |qualify are those 65 and up in |community. |
| |activities for senior’s Monday |age. | |
| |through Friday. | | |
| |This program benefits older |Older adults. The qualification |This is a local program in my |
|Nursing Home |adults by helping him or her to |for service can range from