Essay 1
Under aged Clubbing
Prohibiting nightclubs from admitting people under age twenty-one will take some weight off of parents, club owners, drivers and innocent bystanders. With the economy sinking, many owners are making what they believe a wise financial decision by allowing eighteen to twenty year olds in their clubs. They are mixing eighteen to twenty in with the twenty-one and up crowd, as failing clubs’ owners only see more people and more money. Every night thousands of young adults eighteen to twenty years old are let into nightclubs and everyone is at a great risk. Fewer and fewer clubs are now allowing those under the drinking age into their establishment. To eliminate a cause leading to more underage drinking, young adults eighteen to twenty should not be allowed into nightclubs serving alcohol.
It is often argued that young adults eighteen to twenty are financial savors to club owners. Patron’s eighteen to twenty are considered adults; therefore they are responsible enough to be allowed in clubs serving alcohol, bringing more money into the club every night. This argument does not address the fact, “that when people under the legal drinking age are in an environment where they have access to alcohol 74.3% will try it” (Wagenaar et al.325). They will become irresponsible due to the amount consumed. In the article “Underage Drinking” it states that club owners will and have be fined a minimum of 5,000 dollars, as well as their liquor license removed. It also states that young adults, eighteen to twenty, are not nightclubs’ financial savors, it is estimated that 25 % of what club owners make is being lost to underage drinkers. In my opinion under age clubbers are more of hassle costing more money than bringing in.
Nightclubs are trying to keep their doors open and popular by permitting those under the legal drinking age inside. Giving young adults under twenty-one entry to nightclubs is a way to keep the clubs from shutting down,
Cited: "Alcohol and Development in Youth-A Multidisciplinary Overview." Alcohol Research and Health 28.3 (2005): 111-20. ProQuest. Web. 1 Feb. 2013. Wagenaar, Alexander C., et al. "Sources of alcohol for underage drinkers." Journal of Studies on Alcohol 57.3 (1996): 325. Academic OneFile. Web. 1 Feb. 2013 "Underage Drinking." Medline Plus. U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, 19 June 2009. Web. 5 Feb 2013.