In its 25 years of existence, Suguna has gone from strength to strength and has become a Rs. 3700 crore company that makes it India’s No. 1 broiler producer. Along the way, Suguna’s pioneering efforts in contract farming helped create thousands of rural entrepreneurs who share the growth successfully. "Poultry Integration" introduced and pioneered by Suguna in the country has energized the livelihoods of farmers in rural India.
Organization structure involves formal and recognizes structure where in each and every individual and group have a definite relationship with each other, have a specified area of exist function to perform, authority to mobilize resources, obligation to act, responsibility for achieving the objective and accountability for their performance.
It’s an arrangement of activities and assignment of activities and assignment of personal to their activities in order to achieve the organizational goal. Organization structure encompasses six major areas within the organization. They are as follows…..
•Specialization of work.
•Chain of command.
•Span of control.
•Centralization and decentralization.
Suguna ranks among the top ten poultry companies worldwide. With operations in 11 states across India, it offers a range of poultry products and services. The fully integrated operations cover broiler and layer farming, hatcheries, feed mills, processing plants, vaccines and exports. Suguna markets live broiler chicken, value added eggs and frozen chicken. With the intent to provide consumers with fresh, clean and hygienic packed chicken, Suguna has set up a chain of modern retail outlets.
Quality products are delivered through stringent processes, ultra-hygienic rearing methods that are acknowledged worldwide. The ISO certification is further proof of Suguna 's commitment to quality. The group collaborates with leading international companies to bring the latest technology and practices.
Bibliography: Magazine: Suguna prime time. Brouchers and Annual Reports Human Resources Management: K.Ashwathappa. Marketing Management: Philip Kotler.