You are expected to submit a relevant Project Proposal, including viable project planning documents, by 16th May 2012. The team who present the best project – in terms of expected benefits, feasibility, rational use of resources and quality of planning – will receive up to £20,000 for implementation of the project for the period from May to November 2012.
The competition is available for small companies and charities (project teams of size 3 to 4). No previous business experience is required, so start-ups are welcome. The main requirements are:
1. You have to cover for at least 50% of the project budget, and bid for the remainder to the Council. Your total budget (including the subsidy) must not exceed £60,000 and the maximum bid is £20,000.
2. You must provide a viable plan and indicate how you would maintain the long-term return on investment and develop your organisation.
3. The project must ensure sustainable benefit to the local community in promoting healthy lifestyle. Possible topics include but are not limited to: healthy eating, physical activity and exercise, mobility of elderly and disabled persons, environmental awareness, energy & fuel saving, education.
4. The project must be up and running within 6 months (May – Nov) and enable a new long-term venture to become self-supporting after an initial period of up to 12 months. In justified cases these deadlines may be negotiated individually.
5. The project must operate within, or mostly within the authority area of the Council – it may address a smaller area or even a particular institution or organisation, but any project planning to engage funds outside the area of authority of the Council will be automatically rejected.
6. The project must apply modern information technologies, with the priority given to hi-tech.
You may act on your own, or liaison with local organisations, either governmental or