Authors:Nickie Boy A. Manalo
University: Batangas State University
Campus:Main Campus I
Department: College of Accountancy, Business and Economics, International Hospitality Management and CustomsAdministration
Year: 2012
II. Abstract
The study conducted is entitled “Assessment on the promotional strategies of Batangas State University: Basis for marketing strategies development.. Different university and colleges created or enhances their new strategies to attract students. Batangas State University is an office licensed by the Commission on Higher Education which receive, handle and take custody to execute programs that could enhance the promotional strategy of Batangas State University.
The main objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the promotional activities of BSU. This research aims to determine the effectiveness , accuracy, efficiency and good performance of BATSTATE-U with regards to their promotional activities, materials, time frame, persons involve, and the scope of promotional campaign. In addition to that, to identify possible factors which hindrances the success of the promotional strategies of Batangas State University. Lastly, the researcher wants to formulate marketing strategies which could help in increasing the enrollees of BATSTATE-U.
The researchers have chosen the descriptive research design in this study. The findings are primarily obtained from 200 respondents in first year of different colleges. Survey questionnaires are the instrument in gathering the needed data. The researchers use statistical tools such as weighted mean, reference materials such as books and internet to analyze and interpret the result of the study.
It was found out that most of the respondents believe in the message incorporated in each promotional materials used by the university. On the other hand they are