Context- the concept “encountering conflict” * Prompt is a statement or quote or a visual which you must write about.
“It is during conflict that a person’s true self is revealed.”
Conflict definitely reveals unexpected qualities in individuals. In the time of hardship, shock or even suffering can bring in a person which are completely opposing to their usual nature. This has established from our original critical stress response. A person can go through most of their life without encountering a conflict large enough to bring out these qualities, so when one does rise, these qualities can be seen to be surprising. As the person grow up and faces different situation of his life and understanding each part of life lead changes in their life, character and personalities. It is during conflict that person’s true self revealed. Conflict makes people act in ways that they never thought possible, both good ways and bad ways. War is a good place to look for these kinds of extreme shifts in character because these stories convey the harsh conditions under which soldiers must make critical decisions with little time to think through situations. For example in Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front, the protagonist Paul Baumer enlists in the war after he has just graduated from high school. He is a young, naive teenager who has never seen the likes of war, and he does not even understand what the war is all about. On the battlefield, he stabs a French soldier because he is afraid that he is an enemy. The instinct of survival takes over Paul and causes him to act in ways that he never thought imaginable. The solider does not die immediately, and his prolonged death causes Paul to regret what he has done. Paul attempts to save the man's life by providing him small comforts, yet the man dies anyway. Paul says that he will write to the man's wife, but later decides that he is too ashamed to do write. In this