National conferences allowed both sides to spread their ideologies with more under-developed nations who were “neutral” in their viewpoints. These conferences also allowed nations to show off new technological advancements. Military alliances allowed for the construction of NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the Warsaaw pact, the soviet counterpart to NATO. These 2 treaties allowed both nations to build up economic and military power and represented the divide in indeologies between the east and west of the world. Another rather important weapon of the Cold War was scientific competition. The 2 major races happening at this time were the space race and the bomb race. The space race was a competition of sorts to prove a superiority in space-going technology. While the USSR did get into space first in 1961, the United States was the first nation to travel to the moon in 1969. Not quite as notable, but much more important, was the bomb race. In 1945, through a project known as the Manhattan Project, the United States had their first successful test of an atomic bomb and following that year they dropped 2 bombs on Nagasaki and
National conferences allowed both sides to spread their ideologies with more under-developed nations who were “neutral” in their viewpoints. These conferences also allowed nations to show off new technological advancements. Military alliances allowed for the construction of NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the Warsaaw pact, the soviet counterpart to NATO. These 2 treaties allowed both nations to build up economic and military power and represented the divide in indeologies between the east and west of the world. Another rather important weapon of the Cold War was scientific competition. The 2 major races happening at this time were the space race and the bomb race. The space race was a competition of sorts to prove a superiority in space-going technology. While the USSR did get into space first in 1961, the United States was the first nation to travel to the moon in 1969. Not quite as notable, but much more important, was the bomb race. In 1945, through a project known as the Manhattan Project, the United States had their first successful test of an atomic bomb and following that year they dropped 2 bombs on Nagasaki and