Post Graduate Diploma in Management
Grand Project Proposal
Business Idea
Launching of English Newspaper with vocabulary containing Gujarati meanings
Milan A. Vasani – 101
Sarfaraj H. Heranja - 33
Prof. Reshmi Menon
Table of Contents
Executive summary 3
Problem statement 3
Literature review 4
Research design 5
Hypothesis 6
Research methodology 7
Timeline 7
Expected contribution of the study 8
Bibliography 9
Executive Summary
I, as a student know that in now days English is a very important aspect for every professional person for communication. It is not only a subject of any course but a global language and a vast accepted medium for communication. Anyone in today’s competitive world cannot neglect that a student with less knowledge of English language is equals to illiterate.
So, with the purpose of create awareness about English language and habituate those students who are weak in English, we are going to launch a different type of English newspaper, which will provides you the vocabulary in which the important words throughout the newspaper with meaning of those words in Gujarati.
Our primary target will be the students from the Guajarati medium college background. Because we know that most of students of Guajarati medium college background can’t score high in exams because of less understanding of English language. Not only the students which weak in English but also the students who wants to increase them knowledge and vocabulary will also covers by us.
Problem Statement
“Generate awareness among the students with loose grip on English and don’t habituate to read the newspapers.”
The main problem which identified by us is that, although colleges provides the premium English newspapers to the students at free of cost, majority students don’t even touch that once while. It’s
Bibliography: “Why Students Don 't Read Newspaper?” -By Mohammad Naveed ( Technical education quality improvement programme (TEQIP) phase-ii ( Problems in reading comprehension in English among weak rural secondary school students: a study of four rural secondary schools in the district of segment (