A Must for Developing an Effective Training Program
What is TNA?
“Training needs assessment is an ongoing process of gathering data to determine what training needs exist so training can be developed to help the organization accomplish its objectives.”
Conducting needs assessment is fundamental to the success of a training program.
The Problems
• Often, organizations will develop and implement training without first conducting a needs analysis.
• These organizations run the risk of overdoing training, doing too little training or missing the point completely.
The Importance Of TNA
Four (4) main reasons why needs analysis must be done before training programs are developed. 1. To identify specific problem areas in the organization.
.HR and management must know what the problems are so that the most appropriate training (if training is the answer) will be directed to those organizational problems.
.We will talk to a few people to find out what the problems are. Then when we develop the program, we can zero in on a specific situation, rather than just use a random approach.” The Importance Of TNA
2. To obtain management support.
Management usually thinks training is a “nice thing to do.”
The way to obtain management support is to make certain that the training directly affects what happens in that manager’s department.
The Importance Of TNA
3. To develop data for evaluation.
Unless information on needs are developed prior to conducting training, the evaluations that take place after the program may not be valid. In conducting a needs analysis first, trainers can measure the effectiveness of a program.
The Importance Of TNA
4. To determine the costs and benefits of training.
Training is usually looked upon as a nuisance rather than a contribution to the bottom line of the organization.
However, a thorough needs assessment that identifies the problems and performance deficiencies, allows management to put a cost