national origin" (Messerli, 2012). Throughout the years, there has been many controversial issues surrounded the use of affirmative action. For instance, a woman being selected for a job for the sake of diversity, over a male who is more qualified. Instances like this begs the question of whether affirmative action is really fair. Although affirmative action may not always be fair to individuals of the majority group, it helps provide much needed opportunities for those of the minority.
Affirmative action ensures that diversity is upheld by institutions, organizations, and society.
Affirmative action gives a person belonging to a minority group a chance at becoming a successful professional. Furthermore, it creates an atmosphere where cultures and ideals can be shared without hindrances. Dontigney’s article on affirmative action states that “diversity in the workplace provides adaptability in terms of problem solving by offering a wider array of possible solutions through experiences and lifestyles” (Dontigney). An assortment of cultures can increase creativity and cooperation at school or at the workplace. For example, diversity can help students of employees better understand fellow classmates or customers who come from diverse backgrounds. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, “colleges and universities reach out to groups that are underrepresented and urge students to apply” (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2014). Over the years, affirmative action has lead to the increased representation of those form minority groups at colleges and universities. Those who have graduated are reported to have received better jobs and standard of living. Hence, affirmative action does in fact benefits …show more content…
Affirmation action is the catalyst that levels the playing field for the minority groups.
Messerli states that “Minorities have given decades of unpaid labor, had land taken from them, were subject to brutal punishments, and were denied most of the fundamental rights provided by our Constitution” (Messerli, 2012). Affirmative action can be considered as a way in which minorities get compensated for the harsh treatment to their ancestors. An even playing field means that everyone should be treated the same and receive the same opportunities and benefits. Special treatment should not exist for any individual just because of their race or gender. While this may sound contradictory, affirmative action was created to combat the special treatment of those belonging to the majority groups. The National Women’s Law Center stated that “affirmative action programs have played a critical role in opening up opportunities for women and minorities to begin to take their rightful place in our society” (National Women's Law Center, 2000). The age-old gender inequality between men and women in the workforce however, has been steadily improving. We now see women in top positions such as presidents and CEO’s of fortune 500 companies. As a result, it is becoming more and more evident that affirmative action is good for society. While it may seem harsh to those in the majority groups, it has in a sense reversed the roles to the point where the majority feels disadvantaged. However, affirmative
action is still necessary to provide opportunities for those group that are constantly disregarded.
Affirmative action was created for the greater good, to help provide equality for all human beings. While it may not be fair to individuals of the majority groups, it acts as a mechanism which helps those of the minority group get a fair chance at opportunities such as education and jobs where they would be otherwise discriminated or disregarded. Affirmative actions also act as a form of reimbursement for those whose ancestors were treated as less than humans. The use of affirmative actions has indeed proven to be beneficially for those of the minority especially for women. However, it should be noted that affirmative action will does not solved fully solve the problem of inequality. The system needs a systematic review as it relates to education and jobs as times has changed. True equality would only exist when every individual or group, both minority and majority, are treaded fairly. In the meantime, however, affirmative action if our best option and therefore a good thing for society.