On March 6th, 1961, President John F. Kennedy signed an executive order into law …show more content…
Affirmative action was originally created to ensure equal opportunity for all, yet now it divides people based on their race. These divides can be easily seen in color based scholarships that largely favor blacks or other minorities, yet leave out individuals of majority groups. By creating exclusive scholarships only for blacks, white students are being discriminated against. It is a double standard, if someone were to found a ‘white only’ scholarship, it would likely be considered to be racist. Affirmative action is clearly favoring minority groups, and giving them an undeserved advantage. An example of this discrimination is clear, a statistic from the New York Times shows that after affirmative action was banned in California, the number of Hispanics and blacks accepted at UC Berkeley, and UC LA dropped sharply. Every time a college bases its decision on who to accept based on race or color, the racial tensions between minorities and majorities will rise in American