Using SN1 reaction mechanism with hydrochloric acid, t-Pentyl alcohol was converted to t-Pentyl chloride in an acid catalyzed reaction. The reaction took place in a separatory funnel designed to separate immiscible liquids. The crude product was extracted by transferring a solute from one solvent to another. The process of washing the solutions by phase transfer was used in order to remove impurities from the main solvent layer. Finally, the crude product was dried with anhydrous Calcium chloride and purified once more by simple distillation technique.…
In addition, the boys fail to effectively govern themselves based on Cesare Beccaria’s idea that a successful government must have an equal and fair justice system. Beccaria was a famous philosopher who lived through the 18th century and believed that it is vital for governments to establish a fair justice system in order to enforce the laws (“Cesare Beccaria”). He deduced that bad law enforcement promotes immorality in society and many innocent people may face punishments that they don’t deserve (“Cesare Beccaria”). Furthermore, Beccaria suggested that a reformed justice system would also match the level of punishment to the severity of the crime in order to maintain a balance (“Cesare Beccaria”). This theory states that an effective government requires an equitable and equal justice system, because without this component, anarchy is bound to overcome…
Tanning is something that almost every teenager, woman and occasionally some men do. There are a couple of different ways to tan; one way to tan is to use the tanning bed, which is the most well-liked way of tanning because it is quicker. The second way to tan is by natural sunlight. Either way the person chooses they are positive and negative points about both. No matter which way a person chooses to tan, there good points and bad points to consider in relation to appearance, health and cost.…
Bill of Rights: a formal statement of the fundamental rights of the people of the United States…
Keeping in mind the brief overview of each of the major rationales for sentencing will allow the following four arguments to be understood with greater clarity. To begin, the first argument to support the urgent need to restructure the criminal justice system is the effect and impact of mandatory minimum sentencing on the high rates of incarcerations. The effects of mandatory minimum sentencing are staggering, and transcend into many different areas of the criminal justice system. The principal justification for the creation of mandatory minimum sentences is that by increasing the likelihood of custody, it will be a strict deterrent for crime prevention and a response to political “tough on crime” strategies. It was also thought to minimize…
The classical school theory was common in the late eighteenth century and into the early nineteenth century. The classical school theory thought crime was caused by individuals who were rational. This theory believed that crime wears away the bond between humans and society, and is why crime is an immoral behavior (Schmalleger, 2009). Punishment under this theory was more severe therefore Cesare Beccaria came up with a less harmful yet effective way to punish those who commit crimes.…
The punitive model has beneficial aspects such as the severity of crime and having a strict layout of punishment, but there are a few ethical issues within this model. This model has increased incarceration rates, which has creating a safer society, nonetheless, in return it is causing issues with overcrowding and lack of funding’s. This part of the new model would incorporate the strict punishments ideas, but to an extent. This type of punishment would be directed towards individuals who were guilty of serious crimes such as domestic violence, rape, other forms of sexual offenses, murder (all degrees), attempted murder, and kidnapping. These types of crimes are much more severe and require punitive punishment due to the fact that these individuals have a slim chance of being released into society and the rehabilitation program will not benefit society.…
The relation of violent crimes and the idea of recidivism has always been something that has been taken into account in the legal system. As early as 1895 in the Gladstone Committee Report, habitual offenders have garnered attention in penology circles (Katkin 99). The idea of punishing recidivism is split among politicians, though, as many politicians who disagree argue that the result is too monetarily costly for the state and the state’s citizens. One of the proposed solutions to this problem is what is called the “Three Strikes Rule”. Because this is a reserved power of the states, no decision made is federal, thus there are many heated debates over…
From this point onward, Cesare had no longer yielded the touch of brilliance, as a result, the book “On Crimes and Punishments” became his only work to receive wide fame and recognition. To further elaborate on his writings, during the early 1760’s, Cesare Beccaria had become aware of using his writings as a method to voice his opinions to the general public, showcasing his opinion about the criminal justice system and the economy. For instance, within Cesare Beccaria’s magnum opus “On Crimes and Punishments,” many view the work as a method that Cesare used to critique the flaws in the criminal justice system and to resolve the problem with his take on the situation. To begin with, we first must analyze the books ongoing theme, as it contains and is influenced by Cesare’s opinion about the criminal justice system. Throughout the book, we the readers are a treated with Cesare’s two main themes or theories: First, the “Social Contract,” or in other words, a punishment is justified only to defend the social contract and to ensure that everyone will abide…
General Acute Care Only. LTC unit, L/A Beds, S/S Beds, Admissions, Discharges, Days of Care, Discharge Days, Bed Days Available, Length of Stay, Occupancy Rate, and Births.…
This paper is written in an attempt to comprehend the sentencing philosophy and purpose of criminal punishment through a review of the historical parameters concerning how sentencing and punishment serve society. Sentencing is the application of justice and the end result of a criminal conviction which is applied by the convening authority; followed by the sentence, or judgement of the court on a convicted offender. What makes punishment unique to our society is the application of our moral or ethical beliefs as a whole, and by the population at large. Throughout history, the sentencing and administration of punishments have been swift, brutal and often times ending with the death of the offender, but in our more civilized and modern society,…
It ignores the possibility of unremorseful offenders and unwilling victims, challenges the criminal justice system operation, undermines the law- that define crimes and send offenders to prison, as well as outline the rights that protect citizens from the government. Crime can ruin lives, destroy relationships, and a mediated conversation can’t heal every wound, or address the problem at large. It reduces the legitimacy of law, which citizens are required to abide by, and believe in. The lack of established process results in discrepancies in outcomes; refuting the idea of equality before the law. Objectivity is essential to due process, and working with the victim eliminates the possibility of legitimate and fair consequences. This includes both extremes, harsh punishment for a minor crime and or no punishment for a harsher crime. The decision rests in the hands of a common citizen, who is usually virtually uneducated of the process of law as compared to appointed justices. Justices are appointed to fairly evaluate the situation and proceed in accordance with the law, and restorative justice can give too much power in the hands of those in the…
Cesare Beccaria was the author of On Crimes and Punishments. His essay was about condemning torture and the capital punishment and reformation. His essay would later be used as a guide for constructing the Bill of Rights and the U.S Constitution. He had a social contract view of society in which everyone agreed that the Lawmaker was the sovereign power who alone represented the will of all the people. He believed an effective punishment should be swift, certain, impartial, universal, and proportionate to the crime. Deterrence depends upon learning on associating cause and effect. The sooner the punishment follows on the crime, the stronger the association in the mind of the criminal. When judges stray from the punishment set…
1. What did Cesare Beccaria, the Enlightenment thinker, mean when he said that a punishment should fit the crime?…
Mandatory minimum sentences plant a generalization on crime that fails to account for the context in which the crime is committed. If there are not interpretation and adjudical of a crime in its entirety, mandatory minimum sentences have imposed harsher punishment to individuals who do not deserve it. Nevertheless, mandatory minimum sentences ultimately go on to satisfy Beccaria’s views on punishment because it allows the punishment to be certain and…