Source (In The News). When someone holds or even touches a receipt containing BPA, the harmful chemical gets absorbed into the bloodstream in as fast as 2 hours from exposure. If there is high doses of BPA in the bloodstream it can cause harmful health problems. This is possible because BPA joins together with an estrogen receptor and activates. When this is activated along with the Gene-protein coupled receptor (GPER) it leads to biological effects in different types of cells. Unfortunately, some paper companies solely produce this thermal paper, therefore, if BPA was dubbed officially a banned substance then many industries will go bankrupt. In addition,
there will be no more producers of receipts. The controversy that corresponds with BPA is Should BPA be banned to save lives or not to save the BPA industries? So, If BPA is banned, many lives would not be endanger because the harmful chemical is gone, but if it is gone, the BPA industries will go bankrupt. So, which is more important, the life of a newborn child or the life of just another industry?