Children come with various responsibilities, parents have a legal right to provide and care for said child. In some cases a two parent household is not practical; when this happens, if two parents cannot come to a mutual agreement on how finances for the child will be provided, child support payments are usually the resolution. For years, there has been an ongoing debate on whether or not this should be mandatory. If both parents cannot produce a joint contract stating the terms of how the child will cared for financially, child support should be mandatory.
Responsibility of Both Parents
There is a massive misconception concerning child support in the United States. It is often said that the parent …show more content…
There are even times when the custodial parent may not allow the noncustodial parent to see the child because of financial disputes. This is unacceptable and is not tolerated by most court systems. Visitation privilege is a serious matter for courts, many judges will agree that spending time with both parents is what is truly best for the child. That being said, when arranging custody child visitation is rarely denied. According to a family law website, “When a noncustodial parent is repeatedly denied his or her rights to visit their child, it is important that the parent document each denial. A good way to document a denial of visitation rights is to file a police report. Filing a police report will ensure that the noncustodial parent has proof of the denial when reported to the court, and will also show the court that the noncustodial parent takes the denial of these rights seriously.” The child support laws are meant to accommodate both parents, and more importantly, the child. To keep things cordial, if possible, it is important for the noncustodial parent to attempt to make all schedule payments. However, if a person feels that they are being kept from their child should always know that they have the law on their side. Regardless of their ability to