Another pro is our spokespeople are playing a strategy game. This plan includes our third forces are less likely to ruin elections with the see to of removal of other runner. Balloters may be able to agonize less about helping the least favored runner by selecting their favorite person running.
This pro is about Majority Winning. Supporters for ranked choice voting disagree it's more of a democratic process. Some polls have numbers of polls in which the runner who collects …show more content…
the most votes is the champion even if they do not obtain popularity.
Okay now where on the cons of this topic.
One con of this is that many Cities might not have the appropriate equipment to count the polls. Some voting machines are only automatic to count the number of votes for each runner and cannot redistribute votes.
Another con is It can be puzzling. A pass where balloters vote for only one runner is pretty straight forward. Voting for the same place three times and having to relocate votes makes it harder towards the process. 1.2 percent of votes in 2011 had mistakes and could not be counted.
This con is about what the voter needs to know. With arranged choice voting ballots have been able to list the runners in order of their preference this needs extensive research large and in less pouched races something many voters do not take the time to do. The poll showed only 36% of Americans could name all three branches of the government and 35% couldn't name any of them.
Another Issue for this year’s ballot is Minimum wage, One of the Pro’s is that Raising the min wage could add up more economic activity and create more job growth for people who need a job and can’t find a job that pays well or needs to pay more
The reason why I’m interested in this is because If I will be going into the Military then I would want to get paid more than what the original amount is because of Taxes, bills, health insurance, food, clothes, and other groceries etc.
Also another pro would be that raising min wage would eliminate poverty meaning being very poor this is very important because there are a lot of poor people living in maine that don't have food or a nice cozy home to live in and it's very hard to live with knowing you could die tomorrow.
The reason why I am interested in this is because I once was living in a poverty family I barely got food and had to wear used clothes.
Another pro would be a higher min wage could reduce government welfare spending. This is important because if government kept spending on welfare then people would be able to care for themselves. Which is very good because lots of people who can't take care of themselves end up being on drugs and dead or dead.
I'm interested in this because we do not need any more people dieing or on drugs.
Some of my con’s are increasing min wage could force businesses to “lay” off employees and raise unemployment levels. This would be bad because we would lose the ability to spend money on things we would like to have or need to have.
I’m interested in this because if we lose businesses we would have all this money with nothing to do with it and it would just be sitting there forever collecting dust,
One other con would be that raising min wage would increase poverty because going back to my recent paragraph people would have money laying around collecting dust or poverty people might end up on drugs as well as in jail.
I’m interested in this because we really don't want people in poverty because it is a rough life to live.
My last con would be if min wage increases it could hurt businesses and force them to close meaning we would not have clothes food or drink then we’d all be in poverty and living in a second big depression unless we get someone to change the laws and be smart about it.
I’m interested in this because we can not afford literally afford to have our businesses close up.
Another issue on this ballot is Fire arms one of the pro’s I have is that the Second amendment is and unlimited right to own guns this is important because if we do not have the right to own guns then we would not be able to join in Maine’s sports like hunting.
I’m interested in this because my family loves to hunt. when hunting season comes around my dad and oldest sister Ashley go out in the truck and hunt partridge and deer and bring it back home for my mom to work her magic she turns the killed partridge and partridge soup with carrots potatoes,and all sorts of other veggies with some yummy broth in it.
Another pro would be if we have more gun control laws it would reduce gun deaths this is good because More than 30,000 people are killed by firearms each year in the country. More than 30 people are shot and murdered each day 1/2 of them are between the ages of 18 and 35. 1/3 of them are under the age of 20.
I’m interested in this because unfortunately more people are killed in gun crimes than in overdoses in drug which is 35,663 people.
My last pro would be that high capacity magazines should be banned because they too often turn murder into mass murder.
I'm interested in this because when I’m in the military hopefully people will not kill other people. Some of the cons of fire arms are gun control laws do not deter crime; gun ownership deters crime. This is because most of America's population has been killed by guns for no certain reason.
I'm interested in this because it’s sad that most of our population gets killed off by murderous people.
My last con is gun control laws invade upon the right to self defense and deny people a sense of safety. This is true because it does invade us the right to self defense which could led to death because if a special need’s person is acting funny or normal then a person might kill them.
I’m interested in this because we need self defense but if people are going to use it wrong they might as well get rid of the right and do more to protect this country.