
Pros And Cons Of Dakota Access Pipeline

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The Dakota access pipeline has much risk in the aspects of environmental impact and the thousands of people protesting for the protection indian reservation, but these pipelines bring in huge economic gain. In the article, “Dakota Access Pipeline: What's at stake?” Written by Holly Yan, she explores the possible pros and cons of piping oil through North Dakota to Illinois. People are arguing that piping oil could be hazardous to native american land, but others say the U.S. needs the money. While some people see disaster government officials see dollar signs. In this article there's a battle between Native Americans and activists, and U.S. officials on weather piping crude oil underground through four states is a good or bad thing. Some say that it can …show more content…

They say that the pipelines can carry 470,000 barrels of oil a day, which is 374.3 million gallons of gas a day. These pipelines will drastically help with the fact that the U.S. relies so much on foreign countries for oil. Activists believe that the pipelines could be dangerous: “threatens the Tribe's environmental and economic well-being, and would damage and destroy sites of great historic, religious, and cultural significance to the Tribe."(Rock Sioux Tribe). The Sioux tribe is convinced that the building of the pipeline will destroy their burial and prayer sites along with having environmental concerns such as releasing greenhouse gasses. The developers of the pipeline and Midwest Alliance for Infrastructure insure that it is much safer than old methods of oil transportation; eliminating any chance of the 2013 incident in Quebec, Canada involving a train transporting crude oil that derailed and destroyed the town Lac-Megantic. There are many bad things this construction could do to the Sioux reservations, but this provides much safer means of transporting oil the U.S.

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