
Pros And Cons Of Eugenics

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Pros And Cons Of Eugenics
Growing up I was taught to marry someone that is just as intelligent as myself and we’d have intelligent kids. That idea is the more intelligent people we have in the world will help make the world a better place. Which later on brings the idea of eugenics into play. Eugenics is the science of improving a human population by controlling the human reproduction to increase desirable characteristics. Genes are unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring. Which is why Francis Galton believed that intelligence and talent were hereditary, and our genes played a significant role. Eugenicists strongly believed that genetic factors play a huge role in behavior in human beings. Many individuals that are seemed “unfit” in society were sterilized so that they won’t be able to reproduce “unfit” individuals. Eugenicists assumed that who your parents are determines who you will eventually become. For instance, a mother giving birth to a deaf or any child with a disability was seen as “unfit”, so they were sterilized because of their genetic disorder. They strongly believed that this will indeed help better the society and make better people. In doing so it allows genetic makeup of a child to eliminate mental or physical problems. So that …show more content…
That eugenics destroys the idea of human race diversity. Its discrimination against unborn children compared to those that are smarter and better as individuals. Living in America which is called the “melting pot” we need diversity in our schools and workplaces. Diversity allows individuals to work better and come up with solutions to problems. Also, diversity allows individuals to appreciate other cultures and differences. By destroying diversity your creating a superior and unified race. Which promotes cultural prejudice to those that are considered “unfit” among

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